The Contemporary Art Foundation is pleased to present Kazumi Inada's solo exhibition "Ushio".
Inada has attempted to structure and observe himself and the world around him using computers. At the same time as an artist producing his work, he is also an engineer involved in the technology behind him. As Inada describes it as an "observation device," the work encourages the viewer to independently interpret it and find an interpretation of the world in which we live.
In this exhibition, we will exhibit new media art works created by constructing a simulation system.

CAF 賞 2021 最優秀賞受賞作家 稲田和巳個展「潮」
- 会期:2023 年 2 月 18 日(土)〜4 月 8 日(土)*日〜水、祝日休廊
- 開廊時間:会期中の木・金は 12:00〜18:00、土は 12:00 - 19:00
- 会場:現代芸術振興財団(東京都港区六本木 6-6-9 ピラミデビル 4 階)
- 入場無料、事前予約不要
CAF Award 2021 Grand Prize Winner Kazumi Inada Solo Exhibition “Ushio”
- Dates: February 18 (Sat) – April 8 (Sat), 2023 *Closed on Sundays, Wednesdays and public holidays Opening
- hours: Exhibition period Middle Thurs & Fri 12:00-18:00, Sat 12:00-19:00
- Venue: Contemporary Art Foundation (6-6-9 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo Piramide Bldg. 4th floor)
- Admission free, advance reservation not required
- 作品・展示風景画像
- 展評(谷口暁彦・久保ガエタン)
- 作家インタビュー
- トークセッション(稲田和巳 × トモトシ × 花形槙)
デザイン: 岡本太玖斗(SINGS)
現代芸術振興財団 Web ページのフォームから請求できます(無料)。残部がなくなり次第、フォームへの掲載は終了します。
- Photos of works and exhibition view
- Exhibition review by Akihiko Taniguchi and Gaetan Kubo
- Interview with the artist
- Talk session by Kazumi Inada, Tomotoshi, and Maki Hanagata
Designed by: Takuto Okamoto (SINGS)
Starting today, you can request a copy (free of charge) through Contemporary Art Foundation. The form will be closed when all remaining copies are gone.
Talk session
A field work and a talk session was held with tomotosi & Shin Hanagata.
ビジュアルデザイン: 岡本太玖斗
施工: HIGURE 17-15 cas / 株式会社オール
VD: Takuto Okamoto
Construction: HIGURE 17-15 cas / Oar Inc.
- Numero Tokyo 若手アーティストの登竜門「CAF 賞」受賞・稲田和巳展@現代芸術振興財団
- TOKYO ART BEAT 稲田和巳 「潮」公益財団法人現代芸術振興財団事務局
- 美術手帖 CAF 賞 2021 最優秀賞受賞作家 稲田和巳 個展『潮』現代芸術振興財団
- 朝日新聞 首都圏版 2023.2.21 夕刊アート情報欄
開催期間 | 2023.02.18 - 2023.04.08 |
場所 | 現代芸術振興財団ギャラリー |
外部サイト |